Revenue Generation
Xircus Web3 Protocol created several earning opportunities for users, developers, influencers, holders, DAOs and investors
We created multiple revenue stream opportunity for any user within the Xircus Web3 Protocol ecosystem
We understand that in order to grow a community. A well maintained community through direct and instant rewards increases the chance of attracting more users to join the community. As user base grow, there is a bigger chance of making the app successful and sustainable for long term.
Speaking of growth, when people are motivated and driven by incentives. The possibilities are limitless. That's why marketing companies are so successful because they know how to fuel their brand to make it famous. Same thing with what we want to achieve for any applications deployed through Xircus.
We designed the dApps to remove the manual processing of incentives instead embed it on the very core of the app itself and thus removes rewards from human intervention and distribute it freely, automatically and instantly. Nothing beats an automated system, as it makes the recipients happy all the time.
We believe that dApps must share with all parties involved not just one person, but groups of independently working contributors sharing one goal of making web3 more accessible to more users as we peak to the mass adoption of decentralized computing