Marketplace Contracts
Marketplace will have different variants depending on what the ringmaster wants to deploy
Marketplace Base
This contract allow users to list and sell NFT items, it accepts any ERC721 and ERC1155 NFT token. Lister can sell the NFT using configured currencies contributed by the community.
List to Earn - by listing NFTs to marketplace, lister receives reward tokens
Buy to Earn - by buying NFT or listing credits from marketplace
Buy Credits to Earn - by buying listing credits, the marketplace will issue reward tokens that can be used to purchase NFT items that can only be bought using reward tokens
Buy NFT to Earn - by buying NFTs from marketplace, buyer receives reward tokens
Reward tokens must be an external EIP20 Token Standard directly deposited to the marketplace contract, reward is based on fix value set by the marketplace owner
Marketplace As Staking
Owners can allow users to deposit tokens to the contract to receive redistributable rewards from marketplace cut, emits an EIP20 staking token. This accepts multiple staking tokens including liquidity tokens whitelisted by owner. Contains staking functions such as deposit, withdraw, emergencyWithdraw, stakingFee and whitelisting.
Stake to Earn - by staking acceptable EIP and LP tokens, marketplace issues marketplace token representing stake used for redistributed rewards share from marketplace cut (45% of every transaction)
Marketplace As Token
Owners can offer Initial Marketplace Offering through this contract, each token sold represent shares in the marketplace earnings. Implements an ERC20 Token Standard with burn and mint function.
Hold to Earn - by owing X number of marketplace token, marketplace issues marketplace tokens used for redistributed rewards share from marketplace cut (45% of every transaction)
Marketplace As NFT
Owners can offer Initial Marketplace NFT Offering through this contract, each NFT represent shares in the marketplace earnings, features such as token-gated membership, DAO access can be configured. The NFT items minted with this contract can be sold as subscription for marketplace that allow users to subscribe. For example, music marketplace.
Subscribe to Earn - applicable for music marketplaces, minted NFT works as subscription package. Subscriber earns redistributed rewards from individual track sale.
Marketplace With Bundle
Owners can allow users to pack NFTs with Tokens as one for listing. This allows any ERC20, ERC721 and ERC1155 to be packed together for sale. Useful for marketplace that has 2 or more tokens within their ecosystem, each token can be used to purchase specialty NFTs.
For example, there's 2 listing, A NFT and C NFT, to buy the C NFT a special token X is required which can only be bought with A NFT, so to get it, someone bought first the A NFT, receives the A NFT and X Token, the X Token is used to buy limited edition C NFT.