Initial DEX Offering

IDO is not deployable for non-DAO users

An IDO is crowdfunding opportunity where payment tokens are exchanged for any issuing token as token share representation. On completion, the payment token raised including allocated issuing tokens are paired together to create a liquidity for decentralized exchanges. This ensures that funds raised are instantly added to liquidity to mitigate risk of issuing token becoming invaluable after the funding completes.

We have created an IDO contract that can be deployed by our factory contract that has some unique features based on most requested functionality by the community and parties. We evolved our contracts when we did our pre-seed funding opportunity from our community and immediately add features that benefited the participants and referrals

IDO Contract Features

  • Direct Token Swap

  • Payout Splitting

  • Liquidity Creation on Completion

  • Custom Token Pair Configuration

  • Sub Pooling with Different Pricing

  • Scheduled Liquidity